Back To Work
Two weeks ago today, I was uprooted from my familiar home soil in South Florida to fly out to San Diego California. The weather was perfect - a beautiful 85 degrees, with no humidity (which is quite unfamiliar to me now that I've lived in South Florida for some time). My co-worker and I had been flown out there to give a presentation at a meeting being held at the Hotel del Coronado. Our presentation lasted all of about 30 minutes and we were flying ten feet above the clouds after we realized how we had pulled off giving an absolutely flawless presentation.
We found ourselves with the entire day at our disposal and decided to live it up a little and head south for a day of exploration in Mexico. It couldn't have been any more perfect.

The following day we spent walking through Old Town, visiting the critters at San Diego Zoo... and basically just seeing the best of what San Diego has to offer.
No sooner did the California fun begin... I found myself in seat 35D with my tray table up and my seatbelt securely fastened, heading back to Florida. Normally, this would have been a somewhat somber occasion - but I was more than fine with this seeing as though I was actually returning only to begin a week's vacation at home!
And what a week it was! I love taking vacation time. I really do. Especially the ones where you have nothing particular planned - which was exactly what this one was all about. I did a few cartoons, lounged out by the pool, got caught up on some computer work. Life was great.
Fast forward to today.
Back to work. Gone are the nights playing xbox until 4am. Farewell to the nightly 10pm cup of coffee. Actually, on that topic - you know, that is truly what defines my wild side these days - having caffeine past 6pm. Talk about getting old! 10 years ago I would have thought nothing about driving an hour to go to clubs with my friends, pull an all nighter, then drive back to town and go straight to work. Today, I whine if I don't get my standard 7 hours of sleep, feel it is a violation of my human rights if I have to work a late shift one night followed by an early shift the next day.
Actually, the first day back went fairly well. Definitely flew by, that's for sure.... but nothing's as good as being home. People talk about how if they won the lottery they'd still go to work. Not me. Well, actually that's true and not true - I wouldn't GO to work, but would gladly stay home and work. Big difference. But until the house is paid off and the bills are to a minimum, that's not gonna happen.
So for me, for's back to work.
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